Retail inventory management software free download
Retail inventory management software free download

retail inventory management software free download

retail inventory management software free download

We enter each product in this Prices table and enter as the Effective Date. To begin with, let’s assume we start using this template from to enter orders. Sales Price is the price we sell the products to our customers at.

retail inventory management software free download

Purchase Price is the price we pay our suppliers to purchase products. In Settings sheet, Enter your business information such as address, email and phone number.Įnter product purchase and sales prices in Prices sheet These Initial Setup steps are to be done first as a one-time activity.

  • View summary of business performance in Report sheetĭetailed Step by Step instructions (with screenshots).
  • Enter each order’s details (line items) in Order Details sheet.
  • Enter list of Orders in Order Headers sheet.
  • Enter list of customers and suppliers in Partners sheet.
  • Enter current Prices of products in Prices sheet.
  • Enter list of Products in Products sheet.
  • Enter Product Categories in Settings sheet.
  • Enter Business Information in Settings sheet.
  • Columns with Bluecolored labels – Custom Input cells for user to store any information needed.
  • Columns with Greencolored labels – Calculated cells.
  • Columns with Purplecolored labels – Input cells for user to enter pre-defined information.
  • To make it easy for you to identify which fields are input fields, calculated and custom fields, I have followed the following color scheme in column headings (or labels).

    Retail inventory management software free download how to#

    Introduction to Excel Tables ( How to use Excel tables to enter data).Backup by saving copies of this file regularly.Input data is always visible and can be edited easily.Do not edit calculated cells (ones with formulas).Important tips about using Excel Templates from.Features of Retail Inventory Tracker Excel Templateīefore we get started, I highly recommend reading these articles if you are new to Excel templates or Excel Tables. Hence, it would be better to have both templates available to our users. For those, the old template would be useful. There are some users who do not want to auto-populate the prices as they want flexibility to change prices for different customers. For example, this new template has automatic price population on order line items which the old one doesn’t. This new template provides several improved features but I have decided to keep the older template online as well. This template is a follow up to the most popular template on – Inventory & Sales Manager. This is why I am excited to present a free Excel template as a solution. There are several sophisticated and expensive cloud based software available to manage inventory and sales for retail businesses.įor small and medium size businesses, especially when we are starting up, it is important that any software we choose is easy to use, customize and not expensive. In order to get to this information easily and quickly, we need some kind of software. Providing special service to your best customers will likely result in more sales in future. Who are the best customers and best suppliers? Building great relationships with the suppliers who bring in most revenue will be helpful.If you are not turning in profit, you need to improve the business strategy. What is the profit/loss you make from your business? This is obvious.Which products are selling well and which products are not? This will help you decide to buy profitable products and not buy those that are not.Which products are low in inventory (compared to a Re-order point)? This helps in deciding when and what to buy in purchase orders to your suppliers.How many items you currently have in inventory of each product so that you can take orders from your customers accordingly? If you cannot fulfill orders from your customers on time, you will be losing credibility as a business.Benefits of Inventory Management Software – Retail Inventory Tracker

    Retail inventory management software free download